美国医院错误每年造成19万5千人死亡——反观1400例栽赃案 |
【明慧网2004年8月6日】路透社于2004年7月28日报导了Health Grades公司的一项调查,指出每年可能有195,000人在医院死于可以轻易避免的错误。这个数字是1999年Institute of Medicine公布的98,000人的两倍。与各种疾病致死的数字相比,医院错误致死人数位居第六位。笔者不是医学专业人士,为避免断章取义,特将这则报导的英文原文附录于后,请感兴趣的读者详细阅读。 笔者今天也看到一则中央社8月5日的报导,中国卫生部下属的研究机构新探健康发展研究中心今天指出,经由不安全注射传播的肝炎和爱滋病,已导致三十九万中国人提早死亡。 这让笔者想起1999年大陆江泽民集团在对法轮功的文革式批斗中曾经抛出的一个所谓的1400例死亡案例。这些案例已经被证明是江氏集团对法轮功的栽赃陷害,很多人的死亡和修炼法轮功没有任何关系。而且在中国修炼法轮功的人群非常庞大,即使按中共喉舌媒体的数字,也有200万人。同时众所周知,很多炼各种气功的人都是老人和病人,至少在开始是以祛病健身为目的。所以即使这1400例都是真的,每年死亡200人,死亡率也仅仅是万分之一,远远低于正常人口死亡率几十倍。这反而证明法轮功祛病之奇效。 江氏集团和一些所谓的“反伪科学”斗士在批斗法轮功时,往往扯出不着边际的1400例,并打出“为人民生命负责”和“科学”的幌子。按照他们的逻辑,美国的医院每年造成19万人死亡,都应该被取缔才是;中国的医院仅仅因为不安全注射就造成39万人死亡,更应该被取缔、被揭批。 关于法轮功祛病健身的效果,请见明慧丛书之《绝处逢生》一书,里面记录了很多人因修炼法轮功治愈绝症的案例。该书可以在以下网页下载。 如果在过去的五年来法轮功在大陆没有受到无理的迫害,不知会有多少人也能够绝处逢生,免于被病魔夺去生命。那些打着科学幌子的人在批斗法轮功前,至少应该对修炼法轮功的人群做一番调查统计,把法轮功祛病的效果和医院进行比较,而不应该先预设立场,然后引述没有第三方调查的个例进行批斗。这种态度不是科学的态度,他们享受言论的特权对被剥夺言论自由的法轮功的批斗更类似于迫害科学家的宗教裁判所。 Study: Hospital errors cause 195,000 deaths Report doubles earlier Institute of Medicine estimate Wednesday, July 28, 2004 Posted: 10:08 AM EDT (1408 GMT) WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- As many as 195,000 people a year could be dying in U.S. hospitals because of easily prevented errors, a company said Tuesday in an estimate that doubles previous figures. Lakewood, Colorado-based HealthGrades Inc. said its data covers all 50 states and is more up-to-date than a 1999 study from the Institute of Medicine that said 98,000 people a year die from medical errors. "The HealthGrades study shows that the IOM report may have underestimated the number of deaths due to medical errors, and, moreover, that there is little evidence that patient safety has improved in the last five years," said Dr. Samantha Collier, vice president of medical affairs at the company. The company, which rates hospitals based on a variety of criteria and provides information to insurers and health plans, said its researchers looked at three years of Medicare data in all 50 states and Washington, D.C. "This Medicare population represented approximately 45 percent of all hospital admissions (excluding obstetric patients) in the U.S. from 2000 to 2002," the company said in a statement. HealthGrades included as mistakes failure to rescue dying patients and the death of low-risk patients from infections -- neither of which the Institute of Medicine report included. It said it found about 1.14 million "patient-safety incidents" occurred among the 37 million hospitalizations. "Of the total 323,993 deaths among Medicare patients in those years who developed one or more patient-safety incidents, 263,864, or 81 percent, of these deaths were directly attributable to the incidents," it added. "One in every four Medicare patients who were hospitalized from 2000 to 2002 and experienced a patient-safety incident died." The U.S. government said it is trying to spearhead a move to get hospitals and clinics to use electronic databases and prescribing methods. The Institute of Medicine report said many deaths were due to medication prescribing errors or to errors in delivering medications. "If the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's annual list of leading causes of death included medical errors, it would show up as number six, ahead of diabetes, pneumonia, Alzheimer's disease and renal disease," Collier said. (English Translation: |
成文:2004年08月05日 发稿:2004年08月06日 更新:2004年09月01日 21:26:58 |
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