澳洲前奥运会运动员致国际奥委会主席萨马兰奇的一封信 |
【明慧网2001年4月17日】 Dear Mr Samaranch, I recently forwarded information to you (22/1/2001) with regard to Falun Dafa. Further to this I would like to raise some issues which you may be able to answer for me. As I previously stated I am a former Australian Olympic Swimmer – Tokyo 1964. I am a personal friend and team mate of Dawn Fraser whom you may approach for a reference on myself if you have any doubts as to my character. I have always been proud of my Olympic background and all that being an Olympian stands for. I am a professional Human Resources Manager with a reputable Project Engineering Company. I am also proud to have been a Falun Dafa practitioner for over two years and cannot speak highly enough of the practice and its positive benefits. If I were to attend the 2004 Olympics in Athens, I would not have any concerns about being able to follow my spiritual practice, consisting of 5 sets of exercises including sitting meditation and reading the books of philosophy which has spread to 40 countries world wide. The exercises are practiced daily in a park or garden. I would appreciate if you could respond to the following questions so as to alleviate my concerns if China is successful in securing the 2008 Olympics. · Will Falun Dafa practitioners be allowed to attend the Olympics – bearing in mind practitioners may not only be spectators like myself but athletes and officials as well? As I previously stated in my correspondence of 22/1/2001, I am not against the Chinese people being awarded the 2008 Olympics – provided all world cultures and spiritual practices are embraced by China. If they are accepting of these issues they will have to change their attitude dramatically in regards to their Human Rights issues. At present, China’s approach to Human Rights is quite unacceptable to the majority of countries who compete at the Olympics and totally unacceptable to myself as a former Olympian who has high standards of sportsmanship, morality and ethics. To know that 170 of my fellow practitioners have been brutally tortured to death and thousands imprisoned without trial, treated with extreme cruelty and indignity, just for following their conscience, is heart wrenching. I am confident that such a respected organization as the Olympic Movement will live up to it’s own Olympic Charter when awarding the 2008 Olympics and give it to a country that encourages “the establishment of a peaceful society concerned with human dignity” as quoted in the Wall Street Journal. I have included a copy of this article from the Wall Street Journal (8/3/2001) by Claudia Rosett and a copy of the letter I have written to the Chinese IOC delegent Mr Zhenliang He. I look forward to your early response to these very important issues of concern. Yours faithfully Jan Becker (2001年4月15日译文) (English Translation: |
成文:2001年04月15日 发稿:2001年04月17日 更新:2003年09月21日 03:47:07 |
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