美国参议员苏珊·柯林斯给学员的信 |
【明慧网2000年9月6日】 美国参议院 亲爱的某先生: 7月20日的会议上我们讨论了当前法轮功学员在中国的处境。谢谢您在这次会议后花费时间继续关注此事,感谢您让我认识到了法轮功这一重要议题。 我和您同样关注法轮功学员遭受到的中国政府的不公正对待。这更表明了中国政府恶劣的人权记录,我觉得这应该是美国政府作决策时应该考虑的重要因素。 在会议上您问到众议院218号决议的进展如何。218号决议表达了众议院的意见,认为中国政府应该停止迫害法轮功学员。现在218号决议已于2000年(译者注:作者笔误,应为1999年)11月18日在美国众议院获得通过,并已提交参议院对外关系委员会,至今仍然滞留在那里。遗憾的是,在这一届众议院会议期内这一决议不太可能从委员会得出结果。 但我们仍然相信,这一有关人权事宜在参议院4444号决议,即2000年美中关系法(中国贸易法案)上会得到充份重视。当参议院讨论中国贸易法案时,我会告之他们您的想法和建议。中国贸易法案已被美国众议院通过。这一法案确实建立了国会执行委员会,专门对中华人民共和国的人权状况进行观察和向国会汇报。 另外,我想让您知道,我和一些同事共同书写了一封给中华人民共和国主席的信,讨论有关法轮功的问题。在这封信中,我们表示很关注有关中国政府禁止法轮功和肆意关押一些骨干和学员的做法。随信附上这封99年8月6日写给江泽民主席的信的复印件,以备存档。 再次感谢您的合作。 诚挚的, (签名) (2000年9月4日译) August 3, 2000 Dear Mr. Fox: Thank you for taking the time to follow up on the July 20th meeting, where we discussed the current situation in China Toward the Falun Gong Practitioners. I appreciate your bringing this important matter to my attention. I share your concern about the treatment that people practicing Falun Gong are receiving from the Chinese government. This serves as a further reminder of China~s poor human rights record, which I believe should play a major role in determining U.S. policy. In the meeting you asked about the status of H. Con. Res. 218, a resolution expressing the sense of Congress that the Government of the People~s Republic of China should stop its persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Currently, H. Con. Res. 219 passed the U.S. House of Representatives on November 18, 2000, and it has been referred to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, where it still remains today. Unfortunately, this resolution is not likely to come out of committee during this session of Congress. Though, I am still hopeful that the issue of Human Rights will gain attention during the Senate consideration of H.R. 444, the U.S. ─ China Relations Act of 2000 (China Trade bill). I will certainly keep your thoughts and suggestions in mind as the Senate considers its action on the China Trade bill. The China Trade bill, as passed by the U.S. House of Representatives, does establish a Congressional-Executive Commission on the People~s Republic of China (PRC) to monitor and report to Congress on human rights in the PRC. Also, I wanted to make you aware that I joined several of my colleagues in writing to the President of the People~s Republic of China on the topic of Falun Gong. The letter expressed concern about the official banning of Falun Gong and the arbitrary detention of some of its organizers and followers. I have included a copy of the letter sent to His Excellency Jiang Zemin dated August 6, 1999, for your records. Again, thank you for contacting me. Sincerely Susan M. Collins |
成文:2000年08月03日 发稿:2000年09月06日 更新:2003年09月21日 03:53:17 |
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