一位美国法轮功学员致当地议员的信 |
【明慧网2000年4月30日】 Please find the enclosed report that details human rights violations committed by the Government of the People’s Republic of China against Falun Gong since July of 1999. Evidences for pivotal events, representative incidents, and individual cases originated from reliable sources. Its electronic file can be found at The United States has presented a resolution criticizing China for "deteriorating human rights conditions," including repression of the popular Falun Gong, which will be voted this April by the UN Human Rights Commission. On the other hand, it is said that Chinese Government will launch out into a new round of severe crackdown on Falun Gong in April when the event of Zhongnanhai occurred last year. I hope the Government and Congress of the United States will continue urging Chinese Government stopping the persecutions against Falun Gong practitioners and resolving the crisis through a peaceful dialogue. I appreciate your attention and support to the human rights of Falun Dafa practitioners in China. Sincerely yours, |
成文:2000年04月03日 发稿:2000年04月30日 更新:2003年09月21日 03:53:32 |
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